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0 - HelloThisIsTaylor-Welcome - x

member since 23 May 2011

0 - HelloThisIsTaylor-Welcome - x

Well the name's Taylor. I'm 17 turning 18, july 5th. ;D. I hate when people go up to me and automatically think I'm stuck up because they think that I look better then them. News Flash. i dont think i look better then anyone. Im very unpredictable. easily misunderstood Optimistic is the way to go. I cant live without my Ipod. It's with me at all times. I hate worms. can anyone say "gross"! ;) I listen to music just about everytime of the day. I dont hae a favorite band cause if I ever did next thing i know I would hate that band. dont underestimate me, if i say im gonna do something than your damn right ill do it! I'm not shy, at all. If I have something to say, trust me, you'll be hearing about it. I can get mean at times &&+ I can cuss like a sailor, but only if i wanna >;D< i love photography.{I a photography lover :] } It iss totally awesome and you can express yourself in many ways. My room is an utter mess but i like it that way. Some people are like :how do you find stuf fin there?!" It's simple. Every thing is in its place. I put something where I know I'll remember it later so I can find almost everything. It may take a little digging but thats cool with me. :] If you have a problem, take it up with someone who cares. Okay? Because honestly, I'm tired of crap. every now and then I'll do something totally random and weird. It's cause I get bored. who dosent? but if you dont like it tell me and I can stop. But for the most part I'm me. Yu' don't like it? Fuck off. :] The End. fashion layout [:

Be what you want ! - Taylor Parks.
TayTayHere !(:
TayTayHere !(:
- HowAreYou? -
- HowAreYou? -
TayLovesYou (: -
TayLovesYou (: -
Me :] .
Me :] .

Comments • 13

JenniMeoww 19 July 2011  
-'eyoo Taylor <3 .It's Jenn Here. (: ♥
xnikkisxnicksx 20 June 2011  
Hello Baby!
BunnyCartaxD 24 May 2011  
Ay'aaa ! . =] can yu` visit meeeh . t h a n k s . = ] luvaza``
ItsDeborahAxD 24 May 2011  
Hey youuh TayT
TayParksxD 24 May 2011  
hey debby .
BrendaAniscarOnlinex 23 May 2011  
Hol@! Beauty Girl xd
CuteVampBitsx3 23 May 2011  
Heey (:
Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 23 May 2011  
Aye Sweety !!
Whatss`up ? >:D<
TayParksxD 23 May 2011  
Hey'a :] Fine listen music . but you ?
Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 23 May 2011  
bOred...talk w/ you :]] >:D<
TayParksxD 23 May 2011  
me too . you're very lovely =)
Gabitza2010SmileyGirl 23 May 2011  
Thx ya` luv !
U too <33
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